Step 1: Select your data storytelling argument

Step 2: Motivation

What do you want this story to do for you?

Achievement Narrative

Benchmarking Narrative

Justification Narrative

Please select your Argument

Please select your Motivation

Step3: Choose the attitude of your intended audiences


Step4: Narrative Strategy Recommendation

Step5: Data Story


Argument: Serve the needs of their communities

Motivation: Benchmarking

Intended Audience's Attitude: Polarized

Narrative Strategy: Continuity

Data Story

We are seeking and gathering data from ___[our community]___ to show the impact of __[resources/services]__ that contribute to __[goal]__.

Pie chart
Group Bar chart
  • Next
    (In progress)

Step6: About DSTL


Official Website


Dr.Kate McDowell
Dr. Matt Turk
Xinhui Hu
and the DSTL Team